Waddow Heritage Group

Waddow Hall is a historic Grade II listed building in Clitheroe, Lancashire, which has been used as a centre for Girlguiding since the 1920s (as you can see in the pictures below!) Experts at Sunderland Peacock Architects advised Waddow Heritage Group on the ideal approach for the detailed restoration of historic stone surroundings to the main entrance door. This entrance door is a key photography point for the Hall, having served as the background of past photographs of the Royal Family, amongst others.

We also produced a feasibility study for the installation of a new lift within Waddow Hall for the Girl Guideā€™s Association, which would be used for the hotel element of the business. This involved gaining listed building consent from the appropriate authorities, and entailed producing a detailed heritage statement and the impact of significant architecture as part of the justification for the proposed modifications.